I have gotten very busy; caught up in Christmas shopping, decorating, trying to finish up this quarter's grades and evaluations in the midst of holiday activities. It is Saturday morning; the day is dark, a dreary rain falls from a wintry gray sky. The Art Museum is my destination....meeting students for a tour. It will be Christmasy and festive. I will enjoy it.
I sit within my cozy warm studio overlooking the pond as raindrops disturb the surface. The drops falling one by one remind me of a very young Jeremy (my youngest), maybe 8 or 9 running into the house one summer day. He rushes to his bedroom where I hear him digging into his toy box. He comes out with his snorkle and goggles and runs out the backdoor to jump into the above ground pool. In a few minutes he comes in all excited: "Mom, you should see how the rain drops look from the bottom of the pool!" He had ran out, jumped in to lay on the bottom so he could watch the drops from below.
Youth, so fresh, so alive, so caught up in the wonder of life. A touch of sadness washes over me as the thought of disease and dying punch into my thoughts....Jeremy lives with chronic disease and did, even then.
Yet, living this very moment there is only joy! How very important it is: to know, and even to have the ability to contemplate that we WILL die, yet, to stay focused on this moment, this joyuous miraculous moment of life, bursting forth life!
Raindrops dancing now, splashing into the pond. The Koi have Jeremy's view from that day.
What must it feel like to be an ant being hit by a huge raindrop?