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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

No, It Just Can't Be!

 I am sharing one of those "set the camera on the table and run to get in the photo" shots of my gang taken on Christmas Day.  From the back left:  Garic, Gary (my ex), Jason, Meaghan and Jeremy. Second row:  me and Renee. Front row:  Skylar and Jaden.  I enjoyed wonderful holidays, a good two week's worth since they included travel to Cincinnati where Garic (my middle son) hosted Christmas at his house (Jason and Renee helped with the food);  travel to Mtn. Grove to visit Mom and family there;  three open houses and a four day visit from my friend Jody from Maryland.  I hope all of you had equally happy holidays!

 I awoke this morning to the thought, "How can it possibly be January 19, 2011 already!!"  The year 2010 flew past me like a full throttle jet.  And this in spite of  trying my best to stay focused on "living mindfully in each moment."  There are those who claim time is speeding up.  Perhaps they are right?  Yet, there are others who talk about the relativity of time? Or that there is no such thing as time?

   My concern is that we continue in our culture to be "too busy."  Last year was a time of transition for me, and a focused attempt to slow down my weekly schedule.  In this year I hope to manage a fuller consciousness of what I am doing each moment so that I may experience each day to the fullest.

   I set my intention on NYE to be more aware, more conscious and to listen to my intuitive guidance.  I do believe God speaks to us most clearly through our intuition.  Though he/she also speaks through every thing we experience.  Hearing requires being "awake."  As I look back over my life, had I known how to do this, or known TO DO THIS and to stop second guessing what my gut was telling me, I could have saved much energy and even much pain.  Of course, we do learn through that pain, so it is OK that it has taken me awhile to learn to listen.

   I do find it so interesting that in hindsight I can say "I did know the truth of that."  Yet, over and over I will talk myself out of really trusting that knowing.  And, I do this second guessing in spite of the fact that the accuracy of my intuitive knowing has been proven correct over and over.  I have even had dreams that spoke the full truth to me; I have had strange events that in looking back I could see where trying to shake me into seeing I already new what to do, I just needed to act on it.

   Am I right in guessing that I am not alone in this behavior?  And if so, why do we tend to do this, to not listen to that something within that is sometimes even yelling out the truth to us?  I have some thoughts as to why this happens:
        1) our culture does not teach that we have this inner knowing.  It is thought of as psychic phenomon and
            is highly suspect
        2) we don't always want to hear the truth.  We get caught up in what we want to be the truth and ignore
            evidence to the contrary
        3) we think if we just "hang in there" the situation or even the person involved will change
        4) we believe our patience and our unconditional love will cause that change
   In my experience patience and unconditional love can work miracles, but NEVER when my intuition is screaming out the opposite.

   So, my new years intention is to listen, to trust, and to act on my inner guidance.  It will be very interesting to see where it leads me in this new year.

   I wish a very peaceful and blessed 2011 to all of you.

   I'd love feed back of your own experiences concerning intuition.